The Cap Bio Picture

Birthday: December 20

Hobby: Baseball

Superpower: Dancing

Interesting fact: Won his school’s dance competition three years in a row.

Favorite color(s): Blue

Favorite school subject: Science

Favorite food: Blueberry pie

Favorite song: Tread Water by De La Soul

Favorite movie: The Sandlot

Favorite book: Thing Explainer by Randall Munroe

Lucky number: 8



The Lad Bio Picture with the Cap


Birthday: November 2

Hobby: Collecting baseball cards

Superpower: Running really fast

Interesting fact: He has memorized every Dr. Seuss book; has played every position on his baseball team.

Favorite color(s): Blue

Favorite school subject: Math

Favorite food: Grilled Cheese sandwich

Favorite songGo Cubs Go by Steve Goodman

Favorite movie: The Blues Brothers

Favorite book: The Cat in the Hat by Dr. Seuss

Lucky number: 14

The Cap and The Lad in watercolor

The Kiwis (next characters)