This is an excerpt from the third book of our story, as the crew has made their way to Southeast Asia and encountered a series of wau bulan kites…
(illustrations to come)
“We’re wondering so if a right shoe you know
Who’s purple with blue as a trim
If there’s one as described we would be so obliged
If you’d introduce us to him”
The big graceful kite landed down from her flight
“A right shoe I cannot recall”
But with her reply came a next question why
“Does shoe color matter at all?”
The beauty of here is in how we appear
Different in tone and in shape
Some of us cover our heads with our clothes
Some of us might wear a cape
Blue, yellow or brown with a cap or a gown
Our styles we do intertwine
With peace and respect, prejudice we reject
We find strength in the way we combine.”
“Our sandals have grace, some with beautiful lace
But sadly we don’t know just one
Who’s stuck on her own and feeling so alone
So it seems your journey is not done
As you go forth to the west and the north
We hope a great partner you’ll find
As for the physique of the shoe that you seek
Please keep a fresh open mind.”